Stay With Me

Hi guys! How y'all doin?

I've had quite a busy month, lots of working and lots of performing, and I've loved every second of it (well, the music work, not so much the traditional working lol...)! I also have some exciting news!! I'm happy to announce that I'm going on US tour with artist Sam Smith!

I'm so elated and blessed, and thankful for this opportunity. Without friends in my corner and support from them and my family, none of this would have come into fruition. And God, I prayed that I wanted an opportunity to travel, I didn't know how, but a way, and He made a way. Thank you!

leather backpack
I leave NYC Sunday, and the first stop of the tour is Boston, at the House of Blues. I feel like I'm coming full-circle, as I went to college in Boston, and I know that venue very well, from attending many times, even having thrown an event there my senior year! I'm hoping to see some professors and friends when I get into town! I've posted the dates so far on
so check it out!
Coming to a city near you :)

I really am going to try to document the tour and take photos, and share my experiences with you all! I'm bringing my camera!
Hope you all are doing well, and thanks for all the support via my blog, instagram, emails... No comment goes unnoticed! Stay with me on this journey!
photography by: