2020 Came with Highs and Lows...
Whewwww chile!
We are finally wrapping up 2020, with 8 days left of the year!
I spoke in my last blog post about my feelings and responses to what this year has brought me, and I have surrendered to it all- the highs and the lows.
What I am grateful and excited for is the Age of Aquarius we’ve just entered into, just two days ago. The Great Conjunction, where Jupiter and Saturn come into alignment (every 20 years), happened on the day of the Winter Solstice, for the first time since the 1600's! This new era we’ve entered into is definitely shaking things up, both personally and collectively! To give a little background, Jupiter and Saturn are quite the opposite in terms of functionality. Saturn rules over rigidness, limitations & responsibilities. Whereas, Jupiter’s generosity partners up with wealth, wellness, & fun!! The opposites have come into alignment for collaboration, which will challenge the rigid institutions that have no longer been serving us for a long while, and the collective energy is pushing towards more equity and less discrimination, more community and less isolation, more love and less projection of hate. The Great Conjunction also happened at zero degrees, which nullifies all that was, to provide a blank slate for anything that we want to cultivate moving forward.
All of this gives me energy and hope, as I continue to manifest my heart’s desires, going into this new year (and beyond), and I’ve honestly been feeling personally ecstatic about my intentions and manifestations for 2021 and beyond. I definitely feel a shift! Some projects brewing, upcoming releases, and overall dope content I have planned for y’all in 2021!
Speaking of content, y’all really showed me love for Ep1 of Between the Notes and Me! ‘A Lovely Day’ surpassed 1.7k views on my IGTV, and I even got a cute 600+ views on my new music YouTube page. I’ll take it!!
And with that said, I dropped Ep2 yesterday, which can be viewed originally on IGTV, and uploaded on YT (watch below)!
I had a blast composing this arrangement, and I’m not gonna lie, it was challenging! But I’m learning and pushing through my limitations as a vocal producer, and am growing through each project I show up for, and for that, I cannot complain!
Thank you so much for the support and love y’all are showing me on Between the Notes and Me, this is the tipping off point for so much abundance of my artistic gifts, and expressing myself authentically (no more hiding)!
I’m also now on TikTok, and yes I feel old, but I’m having fun!!
Snapper Dapper participating in the ‘festivities’