Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it's 2011? The end of a decade! This year has gone by extremely fast. I feel like I just walked across the graduation stage in May, and recently finished up my last semester of undergrad this past August! Where has the time gone? I do feel like this past year was a successful one. Success doesn't necessarily have to mean a concrete gain or profit, but could be something accomplished from the things one experiences. I've had a lot of learning experiences, some I'm still experiencing, from love, discovery, pain, pressure, loss, determination, hope...
I'm ready to take on the New Year in full force! I have so many plans for myself! I did make a few New Year's Resolutions, and it didn't take me too long, because they're more so career goals, goals that I will be working towards steadily. For all those who think making New Year's Resolutions are pointless... Hey, there is nothing wrong setting the bar, and working to reach it!!
This post is going to be LOADED with pics. In fact, I'm going to have to do another post with the rest of the New Year's Eve pictures... I don't want to overload you all at once!
Remember how I mentioned last post that I caught a little cold? Well that cold came back and turned into the flu! I got sick again last Monday, had a 101.2 fever and everything! It was HORRIBLE, and I'm STILL recovering... I ended up missing my lovely friend Julian's b-day party! :(
And yes, that is Amanda Lepore |
You'll be seeing more pics of him in the near future, although his profile is pretty fierce itself ;) I headed over to NYC on New Year's Eve with one of my besties Lei:
Isn't she gorgeous?!!
We arrived in the city and stayed with my good friend Shawna (She's the one in the fierce sequined dress who also did my makeup)
I didn't get to see all of my college buddies, but it was great to see these ladies!!
Lei and I departed from them to meet up with the crew. We were all headed to this party called "Ghetto Gothic" in which people dress up in gothic clothing and dance to Hip Hop music. Yes. You read that correctly.
The man who took this picture was a talker. He was telling us how we needed to go dancing wherever we were off to, and proceeded to tell us about he and his gf's plans... Although we never asked lol. My hair was CLEARLY in it's beginning stages of frizz *sigh*
We met up with the crew and my friend Sarah immediately called a moment of silence for the unexpected death of Teena Marie. 5 seconds later we had a jam sesh solely playing her music! "I'm talkin' square biz to you baby (square square biz)!"
Bubu and Tiffany conversing about who knows what haha. Boo Bubu had just caught a plane back to the states from France, and before that was in Madagascar for 6 months! She was speaking French most of the evening lol... It was great to see them both!!
Ya'll know I had to do a shoot while I was out there, all taken by the other bestie Sasha. She's so amazing, I'm so blessed to have a photographer/bestie! Phobestie? Bestographer? Ok I'll stop. But I will say that I was pretty impressed with how this shoot turned out, especially since she was taken over by the spirit of "Nebuchadnezzar Hakeem Olajuwon"(as she informed me that night)...... Yeah.... LOL.
wearing: Black F21 top, ASOS tulle skirt, Black Patent Leather Rachel Roy Platform Pumps, Personal jewelry |
LF Fur Vest |
We did a bit of party hopping, but the last party we stopped before "Ghetto Gothic" was over, and by showing up, we kind of rekindled it. By that time, Lei and I were tired (this had to be around 2:30a.m.) and parted ways w the rest of the crew to head back. I slept on Lei's shoulder on the subway ride to my friend's apartment. It was our stop, and as I opened my eyes to stand up, this aggressive homeless man comes up to me and screams at me, calling me explicit names and telling me to get the ____ out of his way, etc. I was so confused, I had literally just woken up lol. I reached for the pole to find my balance and he draws his hand back in attempt to slap my hand, but I pulled it away just in time. I proceed to walk off the subway, without reacting. I don't know if I was more confused at his obscenity or for the fact that he had this white "cream of wheat" looking substance hanging off the side of his mouth smh... Only in New York.
He gets a blank stare.
*I learned from my friends that Ghetto Gothic was on and poppin, and the music was really good! Unfortunately for them, the party got shut down about 45 minutes after they arrived lol.*
Overall, New Year's Eve was an "interesting experience." A lot of my plans fell through since I got sick. Because of that, I wasn't able to get to NY earlier, but I had fun seeing some of my friends and hanging out for the time we did have together. That's all I needed!
Once again, Happy New Year, and I'm so excited to journey 2011 with all of you! Thank you to everyone reading my blog, and all of the lovely comments, it means so much to me guys!!