Posts tagged big chop
Hey guys!

Here I am, back from a hiatus. Let me tell you, life can get crazy busy sometimes!! But it's honestly great to blog again. I was itching to do so, but the break was much needed. How are you all?

In my last post you saw that all of my big puffy long hair was gone! And it's still gone! LOL. I am still in love with the short hair, And as you can see, I tapered the sides, which I love even more than my first haircut! 

These photos are from a natural hair photo shoot taken by my lovely mother and her friend Sandy. We had a lot of fun playing dress up, make-up done by Crystal Carmen (pictured middle), and it was awesome to spend the day together enjoying laughs, nice weather, and expressing our beautiful and unique natural hair! Thanks to Beautiful Affirmations for putting together this lovely shoot!

Updates from me, the school year is quickly approaching its end, and I will be headed to New York City this summer. I can't believe it's almost here! I'm SO excited, but just as nervous, as this will be a leap of faith for me. I know in my heart it's what I have to do! I've been trying to save as much money as I can (I still have bills to pay and a shopping habit to kick) JUST IN CASE I have to move there without a job. But I have faith that I'll lock in SOMETHING before I move lol... Please keep me in your prayers y'all!

My birthday is also Wednesday, May 1st, and I'll be a quarter century! Ahh! I'm actually excited to turn 25. 24 was a great year of experience, learning, and change. Transitioning into 25 will be even more major change! But I'm up for the challenge!

(This was my "Mom's Do Natural Hair" advertisement LMAO)!

On another note, I just want to mention the Boston Marathon bombing. Usually I save the politics and feminist rants for my twitter or tumblr, but I do want to say this. I was really down and out over the bombings. I understand that there are other countries that are experiencing this and far worse all over the world, but this felt personal to me. I was mad, outraged. Boston is a place I used to call home, as I spent my whole undergrad career there in school. Where the bombing took place, Back Bay, was right where my campus was. I can't even count the number of times I walked back and forth on Boylston Street, or hung out in Copley Square. My thoughts and prayers are still with all the families affected by the tragedy. One thing I know about Boston, is Boston Pride. It was great to see everyone come together in times of grief and adversity and help each other out. That was beautiful. 

On a lighter note, above is my new youtube video, me in the salon getting all my hair cut off! Check it out!

Fill me in on what's been going on with you! Hope you're well! :)
