Posts tagged music
Greatest Love.

This blog post has nothing to do with fashion, or my hair.

This post has everything to do with my love for music. And not just my appreciation for music, but my passion to pursue my own personal music journey.

I can't think back to a time when music wasn't a part of my life. Some of you may not know (although I am sure you can gather from these photos), that I am a musician. I am a singer/songwriter/composer. I've been singing since I was 3 years old, I went to a performing arts high school where I majored in vocal music, and I went off to a prestigious music school for college called Berklee College of Music, where I graduated with two degrees in Songwriting and Music Business.

So it's safe to say I take music pretty seriously.

Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a performer. I've always been a confident gal, lively, full of personality, so willing to be the center of attention (lol), but once I got to college, my goals shifted. I really got into the business side of music and decided then that I no longer wanted to perform. I'd rather be the business behind the brand, the brains of the operation, that sort of thing.

Meanwhile, I still took my songwriting courses, and continued to write music, and gigged here and there, but only for fun. I told myself I wanted not to perform my own music, but rather, write for other performers. I figured I would get the same satisfaction just working in the music industry, rather than performing in the music industry.

I was wrong.

Self doubt. Lack of confidence. How could I be such a confident person, but not be confident enough to pursue my true dreams? I shake my head as I write this, because I can't believe I allowed myself to push myself this far away from the one thing I know I feel completely sound in doing.  Had my fear of not being successful steered me away? Or thinking that I wasn't as talented as my friends? Not being able to hide behind any guard, my music is a true reflection of who I am, this truly scared me.

But that is no longer. I am here to state that I am taking myself seriously as a musician again, and will compose AND perform. I mentioned a few months back that I am moving to New York City next summer, and I totally plan to get a band together, gig, make music, and be happy. Because this is what I want to do!

We all have fears and doubts, especially young 20 somethings living in this economy/country where times are the hardest they have been in our whole lives. Steadily trying to fit in, or stand out, attempting get ahead in the world, or even to just stay afloat. It's tough.

But if I can give any advice to you I'd say, GO FOR IT. Who's stopping you, but you? One quote I have mentioned on this blog, in this post, speaks to me often, so I feel the need to mention it again.

"Everything you want to be you already are, and you are on the path to discovering it." -Alicia Keys

This is my path. I was born to do this, and I will do it. 2013 is weeks away, and best believe I will be releasing my music then. I hope that you all will support me on my journey, and know that now is the time to pursue your dreams as well. Don't give up, or settle for something less greater than worth. You owe yourself the best out there!!

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support,


Kind of Blue

I've gotten a face lift!!  Well, not me of course, but my blog!  You like?  And my commenting system is easy breezy!  You are no longer required to have a google account to leave me a message.  You can now be logged into twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. to do so.  Easy as pie!  I look forward to reading them :)

TJ Maxx hat, Chanel glasses (similar here)), The Limited blazer, F21 denim shirt (similar here), thrifted mens Levi jeans, Dolce Vita boots (similar here), personal jewelry

I thrifted these jeans while I was in NYC a few weekends ago.  Found them in the men's section, for a whopping $5!  I wanted a "dropped crotch" baggy look, while still maintaining somewhat of a figure haha.  I think this purchase goes along greatly with my "spending freeze," right Mom?
Oh, and thanks for letting me borrow your fab turquoise necklace as well (I'll miss borrowing her  wardrobe when I leave home)!  :/

As mentioned in my last post (I'm always referencing back), I stated how I had a big interview coming up.  Well, that interview happened, and it went VERY well!  That is all I will tell you for now.

Thank you to everyone who kept me in their thoughts and prayers!  You guys are AWESOME!

I've been listening to one of my favorite albums lately, Kind of Blue.  It's such a classic album, and listening to it makes me want to fall in love.  My favorite tracks are Flamenco Sketches and Blue in Green.  Gorgeous!  Lastly, on the topic of love, my 90 year old Pop Pop tells me after watching an hour of Bridezillas together, that I should just skip the wedding and elope in Vegas.  Thanks for the advice Pop Pop!


Hey guys!  Like my pants?  Yes they're pants, not a skirt!  I picked these up over at Loose Threads Boutique.  I absolutely love their stuff! 

So much has happened since my last post!  All great things too!  Hmm, where do I start.... 

Well, I finally landed a big girl job!!  Finally, two years after graduating college, I have landed a career oriented job!  I don't want to put alllll my bidness in the streets, but let's just say, I'll be working in "marketing" and "music..." Two things I love to do!  And I also got a brand new whip to get me to and from this new job (and of course anywhere else I would like to go!!).  Things are finally falling into place!  I am oh so grateful!

It's been a looonnnnnng journey getting to this point.  I kept my values, and continued to work hard.  I never gave up, and God made it happen!  I prayed on this every single night (landing a job), continued to trust in Him, and He made it happen for me!  There had been so many opportunities prior to this one that just didn't work out, or fell through, or turned out not to be the right fit for me, but I never stopped looking.  I'm not trying to get all preachy on y'all, but seriously, having faith is so important!  Because I never stopped trying, I finally found the right opportunity for me!  I want to say a big THANK YOU to all my family and friends, who have been so supportive of me through this process.  Thank you so much!!

On a lighter note, here is what I've been up to (since once again I haven't been posting on TKB regularly)...

Follow me on instagram @krisbliss

... Lots of eating, pooling, trips to NYC...

I had a mini reunion with some college friends this past June, and we met up at Brooklyn Bowl to see Solange do a dj set.  We had a blast!  I wore this exact outfit actually, but I kept tripping over my pants when walking up steps.  I almost busted my arse the second time I tripped... I'm sure people thought I was twisted, but nope.  It was just me being clumsy haha!

Wearing AA cropped sleeveless top, Loose Threads pants, Rachel Roy heels

I also think I celebrated the 4th of July holiday a little too hard this time around.  I attended 3 BBQ's, and ate each time like it was my last meal.  Not cute.  I'm cutting back on the cals next week to balance out my food rage.  Maybe a couple push ups and crunches wouldn't hurt either LOL.

lol @ my face.
Summer has been good to me so far, and I am really excited to start my new job next month!  And with a new car, I'll have to unfortunately decrease my spending (I will Mom, promise!!)... Kris is growing up.  I'm so ready!

Happy Friday!
