Whewwww chile!
We are finally wrapping up 2020, with 8 days left of the year!
I spoke in my last blog post about my feelings and responses to what this year has brought me, and I have surrendered to it all- the highs and the lows.
What I am grateful and excited for is the Age of Aquarius we’ve just entered into, just two days ago. The Great Conjunction, where Jupiter and Saturn come into alignment (every 20 years), happened on the day of the Winter Solstice, for the first time since the 1600's! This new era we’ve entered into is definitely shaking things up, both personally and collectively! To give a little background, Jupiter and Saturn are quite the opposite in terms of functionality. Saturn rules over rigidness, limitations & responsibilities. Whereas, Jupiter’s generosity partners up with wealth, wellness, & fun!! The opposites have come into alignment for collaboration, which will challenge the rigid institutions that have no longer been serving us for a long while, and the collective energy is pushing towards more equity and less discrimination, more community and less isolation, more love and less projection of hate. The Great Conjunction also happened at zero degrees, which nullifies all that was, to provide a blank slate for anything that we want to cultivate moving forward.
All of this gives me energy and hope, as I continue to manifest my heart’s desires, going into this new year (and beyond), and I’ve honestly been feeling personally ecstatic about my intentions and manifestations for 2021 and beyond. I definitely feel a shift! Some projects brewing, upcoming releases, and overall dope content I have planned for y’all in 2021!
Speaking of content, y’all really showed me love for Ep1 of Between the Notes and Me! ‘A Lovely Day’ surpassed 1.7k views on my IGTV, and I even got a cute 600+ views on my new music YouTube page. I’ll take it!!
And with that said, I dropped Ep2 yesterday, which can be viewed originally on IGTV, and uploaded on YT (watch below)!
I had a blast composing this arrangement, and I’m not gonna lie, it was challenging! But I’m learning and pushing through my limitations as a vocal producer, and am growing through each project I show up for, and for that, I cannot complain!
Thank you so much for the support and love y’all are showing me on Between the Notes and Me, this is the tipping off point for so much abundance of my artistic gifts, and expressing myself authentically (no more hiding)!
I’m also now on TikTok, and yes I feel old, but I’m having fun!!
Snapper Dapper participating in the ‘festivities’
Lastly, I know the holidays can be a place of pain and sorrow for some, and that does not miss my consciousness. I hope that in sharing my musical gifts, I can bring some uplifting vibes and positivity into your sphere. I am leaning into the energy of a better future, with a new year, new administration, and the collective energy of equality so many of us are feeling and advocating for! I will see you on the other side in 2021!
Until then,
A still from Ep 1 of “Between the Notes and Me” Music Series”
Ok soooo, November went by so quickly, amirite? It was a whirlwind of emotions, anxiety, hope, fear, chaos, all of the things!
With the presidential election behind us, and already into the last month of 2020 (whoa), it seems like we’re almost at a ‘finish line’ of sorts.
I know that the start of 2021 doesn’t mean all the problems of 2020 will have gone away… Yet, there is some kind of hope, energy I feel that “it can’t get no lower than this,” which does give me a bit of hope that things will start to get better.
Navigating this year as a full-time performing artist/musician hasn’t been easy, especially since I’ve been out of work for the majority of the year, with no prospective incoming work to follow.
I will say I have honestly been so grateful for this forced stop. This pause. This opportunity to reset.
Yes, there were a lot of tragic losses this year, uncertainties, lack of support by our government, and full loss of hope by our current administration’s mishandling of the Coronavirus itself, but I cannot not mention all of the amazing happenings this year has brought and taught me.
I was able to face myself, without all of the distractions of everyday life and responsibilities no longer at play, and acknowledge and confront unresolved feelings, emotions, triggering experiences, toxic people, self-sabotage, and a plethora of false realities that needed to be unpacked, in order to fully heal and move forward.
The shadow work was not pretty, cute, or easy, but I’m so grateful for the time to do the personal, inner work, in my isolation and solitude.
After an almost 7-year journey in NYC, the place where I started my career, I had to flee because of the pandemic, and came down to North Carolina to quarantine with my parents and Snap (my beloved cat). This can be seen as ‘unfortunate', but it was honestly the best decision I could make because none of the above would have happened on the level it has, if I didn’t have the opportunity to exit and ground myself in nature, in this way.
I brought my studio down here and set it up with the intention to create musical works during my sojourn, which I’ve fortunately been able to do, contractually for various artists/companies/projects, and for myself. I have been expanding myself, vocally, creatively, and production wise, and am really glad I’ve had time to hone my craft on a next level, and really solidify what type of Artist I want to be.
All of this has lead me to the premiere of my newest project, my IGTV series entitled, “The Kris Bliss Presents: Between the Notes and Me.”
“Kris Brooks covers her favorite songs with her personal style of vocal arranging and producing, a passion of hers that she wants to share to express her creativity, and spread her gifts joyfully through an arduous time of world crisis. Kris considers herself “The Music Lifestylist” ™️ ‘because everyday should feel as good as your favorite song!’ and uses The Kris Bliss ™️ platform to share her bliss, experiences, and education to uplift underserved BIPOC communities and other communities of color. Kris aims to inspire healing, engagement, wellness, and empowerment through music.”
I know we all arrive at certain points in our life when we are meant to, and I am glad to be in a place where I’m no longer downplaying myself, shrinking to fit, nor dimming my light. This is a new chapter of abundance, living fully and honestly in my truth, and I am so glad we can be on this journey together. I appreciate your engagement, support, and your overwhelmingly positive feedback that I’ve already gotten on this series premiere! My heart is full!
This is just the beginning y’all!
Until next time,
I honestly don’t even know how to start this post.
I can’t say “Happy New Year,” anymore, because it’s mid-March at this point, and I could say “Happy New Decade,” because, it’s the start of a new decade- but we’re also in very stressful times— so I dno if the word ‘happy’ quite portrays the overall feeling of the present.
I don’t know about y’all, but I spent a lot of those last weeks of 2019 reminiscing over the last 10 years, which were some pretty developmental times in my young adulthood. I graduated college in 2010, moved back home to my parents’ house because I couldn’t land a job (thanks to the 2008 recession), and was living a young 20-something, mediocre suburban life (that was very unsatisfactory).
But hey! Had none of that happened, ‘The Kris Bliss’ never would’ve come into fruition, and as I reflect back, it was all apart of Universe’s plan for my life!
I also think about music in 2010 and beyond- some very questionable songs- a lot of party anthems — A LOT lol.
I’m not gonna lie, and say I didn’t enjoy them (though they got old quickly). I was out at these basic sports bars/’wannabe’ clubs in suburban Pennsylvania with my friends, drinking Long Island Iced Teas and vodka cranberries (#basic), but then there were albums like Frank Ocean’s “Nostalgia Ultra’ that just hit DIFFERENT. “Watch the Throne,” another cultural work of art… Solange’s "Seat at the Table” and Kendrick’s “To Pimp a Butterfly…” There were so many intentional works (I can’t list all of them), that really influenced and inspired me during the 2010’s, and I am very grateful for them!
Photo by Kivvi Roberts
Skipping forward to the present, I’m literally just trying to hold on. The news has been absolutely overwhelming at times, from worldly traumatic events, with not having enough time to emotionally process before something else negatively impacts happens… To the fear and hysteria all around us, as we all try to figure out the best methods to take, regarding the current pandemic we’re in, re. Coronavirus (aka #theRona).
Photo by Kivvi Roberts
I recently spoke to my friend Alex Elle on her awesome podcast Hey Girl about my journey in music, how I’ve used it for healing, and spoke a bit about my wellness journey.
I believe it is because of that wellness journey (which I will go into detail in another blog post), which has helped tremendously with boosting my mental and cognitive function. It has also kept me focused on taking great care of myself in these uncontrollable times.
photo by Kivvi Roberts
So, although we’re living in a time of uncertainty and panic, I pray that you do your best not to fall into that spiral of reaction.
This pandemic is very trying for us economically, emotionally, and even physically, because we can’t move and shake as we’re used to. This is the time that I am checking in on my family & loved ones, FT-ing folks that I’ve been meaning to catch up with, allowing myself to find calm by sitting still, and continuing to do things that make me happy, like cooking for myself, getting fresh air and vitamin D, and working out my body- whether it be at home, or my gym (that’s still open)! I refuse to let this arrest me in my house, fueling anxiety and nervousness, and I urge you to do the same, whatever that looks like for you.
We WILL get through this, even though we can’t see where the end lies, but let’s tap into our humanity during this time, recognize that we all want to do our part to keep our families and communities safe, and work together to do our best by washing our hands often, and keeping our hands off our face. Check in on the elders, say your prayers, drink your water, and calm it on down.
Sending love and light (always),
Hey y’all,
I thought I’d hop on here and send an update to what’s been going on ‘Behind the Bliss’!
I just got off tour with Sam Smith, which started in August ‘2017, so it’s been a long run!
Of course we’ve had some breaks here and there, and in one of my breaks, not only was I able to squeeze in a show, but I was asked to perform on my hometown local news!
I can’t believe I wasn’t nervous- not one bit! It was an amazing experience, and I felt like I was in my element! I’ve performed on tv many times, yet, this was me, singing, my own music. A very powerful moment for me!!
Below are some photos from the solo show I had at Vino Vibes, which was hosted by Simone Ellove King at City Winery in NY. It was a great crowd, and I was shown some love, which is always a nice thing 😊
The last run of this tour was so much fun, and I was so grateful to travel to a few places I had never been- Columbia, Argentina, South Africa (just to name a few)!
I love my tour family, and am grateful to perform with this amazing, talented group, and call them my friends. I’m back in NY for the summer, and am working on my first ever EP! I’ve been writing and demoing (for years), but I’m finally stepping out of fear, and into my art! What’s the point of having these God-given gifts, if I only keep them to myself?
Looking forward to doing the Soul work, and just dive into this music, and hopefully create something that y’all will rock with! So lemme get to work!
Keep in touch! xo
“What’s the difference between Pilates and yoga?” When I inform people that I am a Pilates teacher, this question almost always follows. With our society’s growing interest in mind-body exercise and self-care, now is a great time to address this question. I used to have some very concrete answers that I believed to be true. Before I actually practiced yoga as part of my lifestyle, I had some ideas I formulated based on a handful of yoga classes I had either just tried out or was coerced to take for some reason. I also knew that the cultural and historical context of the origins of Pilates and yoga differ greatly. Since deepening both my yoga and my Pilates practice, I realized that personal experience is more helpful to inform about the differences than just comparing histories.
Having more extensive experience in both Pilates and yoga now, I see that there can be lots of overlap, depending on the type of Pilates or the type of yoga. First, let me make sure I state that by saying “yoga” I am referring to the various physical exercise forms associated with yoga. At just surface level, with Pilates and yoga you may find similar positions, poses, or exercises. “Boat pose” in yoga is similar to Pilates “Teaser”. “Downward facing dog” is similar to Pilates “Upstretch”… and so on and so forth. The physical goals are similar for both… healthy, functional strength.
“Isn’t yoga more about holding poses and finding stillness, and Pilates is about moving?” Yes. No wait… no. Wait. Not Necessarily! Final answer. Let me explain. Finding stillness is a major part of yoga. The ability to hold those poses, settle into them, and deepen them requires your ability to be “still”, quieting the mind and committing to the physical task at hand. However, there are times during your practice when you want to create a flow, which is exactly what it sounds like. You move fluidly from one pose to the next in a way that is as natural as possible. You are very mindful and present but a physical “stillness” for extended periods of time isn’t happening much. During a flow, one may take a moment during a certain pose to settle into it if they feel their body needs it, but for the most part you continue to move in some way.
In Pilates, generally you move through an exercise. An exercise is commonly described as a movement or set of movements to be repeated in a flowing sequence that will benefit a certain aspect of physical well-being. Finding stillness can actually be applied to these exercises too. Most exercises require stabilization in certain areas of the body while other parts are moving, and within that stabilization there should be stillness. Also, if you are in a class the teacher may have you hold a certain position before you start moving to either deepen it or correct it. Some teachers may get you in a position and keep you there for many breath cycles (yikes!), while they give you some tips to get deeper into it, or correct others in class. This requires mindfulness and stillness.
Now for the difference. In my personal experience, yoga has had more deeply spiritual consequences. The best way for me to describe what I think the difference is would be to compare it to the “What comes first, the chicken or the egg?” question. Yoga (in the exercise form) employs physical means to get to spiritual results, and the physical changes were more of an added bonus. Pilates requires lots of mental focus to get physical results. With Pilates, you will most likely get the added bonus of a better sense of mental, emotional, or even spiritual well-being. I would absolutely encourage everyone who is interested to gain at least a little experience in both and decide which, if not both, suits your life best.
Leilani Miller @leilanifit_pa
I read a cover story interview ages ago of Kerry Washington, from the September '16 issue of "Self" Magazine. Her words resonated with me then, they still do, and I wanted to share:
"A few weeks ago, my manager asked: 'Do you feel like you're back? I feel like you're back.' She meant it as a total compliment, but we had this great conversation where I was like, 'You know what? I try really hard not to use that language, because it's not about going backward in life.' I think it comes from this culture of anti-aging, which is so not loving to ourselves."
"I've been really focused on not being 'back' to anything, but being the best version of myself right now."
This resonated with me so deeply, and it really challenged me to the way I've been taught to think, and the societal pressures women face, in literally every aspect of our lives.
I've always been a pretty adaptable person. Having grown up all over the country, I've had no choice but to adapt to new environments, the closing of chapters, saying ‘goodbye,’etc. I've never been stuck to one place, person, or thing. I've always taken things for what they were, and moved forward, unconcerned about the past.
Now, with that said-- I didn't realize that wasn't common-thinking until I was in college, when old friends would 'reminisce' about high school, and wish they could do it all over again, or wish they could go back to prom, or that they were the same weight they were in 2012, etc. etc. I never understood that type of thinking, and to be honest, I find it to be pretty problematic, especially for women.
Why are we so focused on a time, that literally will never come back? Why not accept the place you're at now, and love on yourself as hard as ever? I know it's easier said than done, but ladies, YOU ARE ENOUGH. Lemme say that again-- YOU, ARE, ENOUGH. Your complexion is enough, your hips are enough, your heart is enough, your hair is enough. You existing is enough, and it is VERY powerful, while also VERY detrimental to a lot of these boxes and social structures that have been created to limit and contain us.
Now, I want to be honest and open up to you as to WHY I stopped blogging. When I got into blogging, it was purely on the intent of creative expression. I started my blog at a time when I graduated and couldn't find a job because, the market crashed. I was living at home, working as a waitress, and just living my unfulfilled life (smh lol). I created the blog for myself, to continue writing, as I had in college, and to talk about things I was interested in! I always wanted my readers to leave with something fulfilling, as I had seen loads of bloggers solely talk about their outfits with a Starbucks latte in their hand (hey, if that's your brand, then I ain't mad... But that ain't me).
A couple years back, our political climate started to shift majorly, and as tensions heightened between the police and the Black & Brown people being targeted (being more exposed by the media and social media/online avenues each day), I wanted to use my platform to express my anger, my concern, my disappointment, and engage with my readers and fellow bloggers on how they felt. Things were happening at an increasing rate, and I didn't even have the photo stock to post as frequently as events were happening. Because of this, I took to twitter. I feel like twitter is the place you can go tf awf and I was expressing, projecting, engaging... I even took to my personal FB account to do the same as well. And in that time, I was seeing my fellow bloggers (POC's & NON-POC’s) continue to post about their lattes, and their outfits, and their basic days (no tea no shade), without a whisper as to what was happening in the world that they were living in!
I found this hella confusing and disappointing, and it really turned me off to blogging. I found it to be such a fake world of women and men thirsty for clicks, endorsements, and followers, without a consciousness of humanity and lack of responsibility to use their platform to actually engage their readers, outside of their need to selfishly project the perfect imagine of themselves, omit of what makes them human- their emotions, their beliefs, their concerns…
I unofficially left blogging because I didn't want to be associated with these people, and this online world that we've collectively created... I do believe language matters and words matter, and to have a platform online, I think it is vital to have intention when writing; seeing that the bigger bloggers literally had nothing to say, turned me all the way off.
I still don't see that voice in blogging, and I actually unfollowed a lot of people in the blogsphere because of this. I'm back to be a voice, as I have been on my twitter and Instagram, and will not bite my tongue any longer on this platform, that I originally fell in love with, those years ago. I've had some amazing things happen since my last post, at the end of 2014. I've gone on a world-tour with Sam Smith and Stevie Wonder. I've performed on nearly every major day and evening show in the US (multiple times, with various artists), performed at the Grammys, sung with some of my favorite artists, including John Legend and Mary J. Blige. I've seen parts of the world that I prayed about visiting, and met people and had experiences I will never forget!
I've also had some lows, like terrible money management, having to go back into the hustle of being a server at a restaurant (because I wasn't able to sustain myself solely on music work). I would ask my self everyday how much longer was I gonna allow myself to stay in this place (working in a restaurant will take you out, even if it's one where you're making great money like I was), and just feeling the sense that I was losing myself creatively and getting lost in the concrete jungle. I also feared that I was gonna look up and three years have passed me by, and I'm still here slanging chicken parm and pasta pomodoro. Getting off of a world-tour and assimilating into the more traditional work-force was hard. Hard for my ego, hard for my emotions… I at first, was able to sustain myself for awhile off tour-earned money, but then it got too hard to do-so. Working in the music industry, gigs come and go. There are also dry seasons and really popping seasons, as there are months that I was trying to figure out how to juggle all these gigs, and months I had to make sure my phone was working, because it was as dry as a tumbleweed!
Fortunately, I’ve been able to find a bit more balance over much trial & error, and when I left the service industry (for the second time), I told myself, it was for good.
As Kerry said, "...Trying to be my best right here right now... Looking to the present and the future, and looking forward to changing and growing and becoming, instead of how I was in the past." I am committing to myself, committing to using my platform to spread love, my music to express my passions and interests, to highlight amazing women creatives of color who don’t get the recognition they should, to talk beauty, skincare, self-care, and wellness… Talk politics and current events, and everything in between! Our interests lie in many avenues, as we’re multi-dimensional women, ok! We can spill ALL the tea! Ha!
The truth is, I miss connecting with you all here, and I am making the commitment to be open and honest, talking here about real things, real life, and providing this site as a safe environment for you to feel comfortable in doing so as well! I hope that you will stay on this journey with me, as I share my life as a professional musician, a woman, a Black woman, and most important of all, a human being!
Photos by: Stefan Jakubowski @stefanoboski
I’ve struggled with eczema my whole damn life.
When I was a kid, it was brutal. It didn’t matter how much lotion mom applied, I’d still go to school with flaky skin on my face, my hands, and my elbows… It was so embarrassing, and I’ve won and lost the battle with eczema flares for as long as I can remember.
I’ve tried EVERYTHING - olive oil from head to toe, taking oatmeal baths, even slathering my body up like a raw chicken in Crisco (yes, you read that right), and it still didn’t help). The eczema just leaves and comes whenever it wants—and when you also suffer from environmental allergies, it’s a double whammy, and you feel like the world is against you—literally.
But since I’ve literally tried everything in life to face ‘dry skin,’ I figure I’d share what works for me and some of my favorite products-—I feel like (on the verge of 30) I’ve finally figured it out!

1. Kiehl’s Creme D’Elegance Repairateur facial moisturizer
This is my all-time favorite moisturizer. My bandmate got me hip to this product, and although I swear by Origins, this product takes the cake! It’s very thick, and it actually seeps into my skin, while a lot of other moisturizers just coat the topical layer of the skin, and my skin ends up just as dry as before I applied product. This is guaranteed to moisturize the skin, and keep it moisturized! For anyone who suffers from dry skin, I highly recommend this to you, and to anyone looking for a winter or nightly moisturizer.
2. Simple ‘sensitive skin’ facial wipes wipes
These wipes are great to keep in your bag or your bathroom, whenever you need to freshen up your face. Whether you just got home from riding the subway on the evening commute, or if your office space is dry from the heating system, or if you’re looking to take off your makeup at the end of the night. I love these because they don’t disrupt my very sensitive skin, they’re gentle, and they’re not too expensive (if you shop at places like Rite Aid or Walgreens, they’re usually on sale).
3. Exfoliate: Origins’s Modern Friction ‘Nature’s Gentle Dermabrasion”
As I’ve already mentioned, I love me some Origins and have been using it consistently since high school (thanks Mom)! We tend not to notice how much build-up is producing on our faces from the products we use, as well as the environmental elements that negatively affect our skin. I like to use this exfoliant a couple times a week to get that really good clean, and I instantly notice how bright my skin is. It keeps the blackheads around my nose at bay too. Amen!
4. Kiehl’s Cactus Flower & Tibetan Ginseng Hydrating Mist Hydrating Mist
This is a new fav that I discovered at Kiehl’s (I feel like I’m cheating on Origins). I do so much flight travel, and the recycled air on the planes (eww) are so damn drying, it’s almost impossible to keep your skin hydrated. This baby is only 4.2fl oz, so you can store it in your carry on, in your bag/purse, and use it whenever you need a boost- on the plane, at work at your desk when you feel like you’ve hit the wall, or when you had an unexpected ‘sleepover’ at someone’s house, and need to exit not looking like college vibes ‘walk of shame’ headed for your nearest subway station. This mist is specifically created to hydrate the skin, as it contains Cactus Flower, which thrives in dry & high altitude conditions, while maintaining it’s moisture levels. You see why I love this product?!
5. Oils: Vitamin E, Tea Tree, Olive Oil
I honestly didn’t start using oils religiously until I had a really severe eczema breakout last year that took over my whole body. Not only did I go into a state of depression from it, but I just felt like a pariah, and that I was never going to be able to control it. After the use of ointments and steroid creams failed, I turned to natural oils. The way that my skin has literally TRANSFORMED has me really thanking mother nature for her homeopathic solutions! I’m really taking it back to the basics with this one! Vitamin E oil has many great benefits, including helping diminish the appearance of scarring, moisturizing the skin, and an overall skin protectant. Tea tree oil is what I would call a ‘healing oil.’ It literally fixes everything lol. I use it on pimples or skin flares due to allergies or on my eczema. It also is a great oil to use in a diffuser to clean the air and can help settle anxiety and allergies.
for the body

1. Eucerin
This is the lotion my parents used on me for as long as I can remember. It can be pretty pricey for lotion, but if you suffer from dry skin, this is as good as it’s going to get imo. Over the years, Eucerin has expanded their line to accommodate all types of dryness, and I really find their line of products great for skin in winter climates!
2. The Body Shop exfoliator
Exfoliating is more important than we realize. Exfoliation essentially removes dead/dry skin cells off of the surface of the skin. It improves the clarity and brightness of the skin, increases flow of blood circulation, and leaves your skin soft and shiny! I love brands like The Body Shop, a completely vegan brand, and all of their products smell ridiculously good! I exfoliate on my face a few times a week, and exfoliate my body (not as often as I should), a few times a month. Every time I do, I feel like I have renewed skin. Not to mention, it’s as soft as a baby’s bottom. Get into this glow y’all!
3. Epson Salt/Bathing salts
I recently got hip to how amazing epsom salt is. When I started working out with my trainer regularly, I had to start soaking in salt baths because my muscles were so sore (my trainer goes in on me lol). Muscle pain relief, an anti-inflammatory, aids in relieving bronchia asthma, cures headaches, neutralizes foot odor, and softening skin are some of the healing benefits of epsom salt! It’s also aromatherapeutic, especially scents like lavender and eucalyptus, which helps with anxiety and stress relief.
4. Aloe Vera (plant or gel)
This natural plant can benefit your body topically or internally. Aloe vera is what I use for burns, bites, and itchy skin patches. Sometimes I even put it in my smoothies! The gel is great for natural hairstyles, and is a base in a lot of cosmetic products! Aloe vera plants are pretty inexpensive, and once you cut a piece of it off, it seals itself and will grow back pretty quickly. Super low-maintenance! Plants also help purify the air, so just having one can be beneficial to your life!
5. Non-soap, soap
This one was a game-changer- when I stopped using ‘soap,’ all those years ago. Soap can contain chemicals that are also found in kitchen cleaning supplies, plastic toys, and host ingredients that are harmful to your hormones and women’s pH balance. Now, I’m not saying all soap is bad, cuz guys, we need to be bathing (if we can), but it’s definitely something to be mindful of, if you feel like your skin is dull, always dry, or if your skin has a weird film/texture. I noticed how much softer my skin was after I started using better soap, and noticed improved moisture retention in my skin!
How do y’all keep your skin moisturized? Hip me to some of your favorite products (your girl is low-key a product junkie)!

WOW! Where do I even begin?! From my last post, I was just leaving for my first tour with Sam Smith. I did not know what to expect, but I was enthusiastic anyway! It ended up being such a fun tour, and it was cool to travel, meet new people, see old friends, and of course siiiiiing! We hit cities I had never been to, and on our days off, I explored as much as I could! I was tired by the time I got back to NYC, but a good tired, of course!
Back from tour in the second week of October, I decided to sublet my apartment from November until the lease ends in March, since I'll be on the road for the majority of the time! Saving that coint, ok?? I moved out all my clothes and traveled right back home to PA with the 'rents, expecting to just "chill" for the time I had off before the tour picked back up full-time in December. Boy was I wrong about that!

Some of you know via my
that I've also been singing as a background singer for Stevie Wonder's current "Songs in the Key of Life" tour. I heard the news while I was having lunch, and could hardly eat I was so excited! I was able to do five shows in five cities (my last show next week in Vegas) and each show was unique and incredible! I can't even put into the words the level of energy and spirituality I felt onstage! It's an experience I will never ever forget! I am so grateful to have been chosen to be a part of such a great show with the incomparable, Stevie Wonder. I could go on and on about his music, but he is just that amazing! And his incredible band has been so warm, humble, and welcoming to myself and the other singers that joined the tour! It's great to know musicians of such a high caliber can still hold on to their faith and humanness in such a tough, competitive industry (which is infamous for being not-so-nice).

leather Vest (via Mom's closet),
turtleneck and faux leather shorts,
coat and shoes

I'm really excited to get back on the road with Sam and the boys! We have the AMA's this weekend, y'all should tune in Sunday night!! I'm headed to Los Angeles today to start rehearsing! I will mention that I am looking forward to this LA weather! 'Cuz it's cold out here in the Northeast, and I'm not here for it!! #byeFelicia

But let me tell you about my new glasses right quick (LOL)! These are my new
frames! They are eyeglasses, but transitional lenses, so they turn into olive-lens colored sunnies when I'm outside. If you're ever in NYC on the lower east side, go visit their boutique! They have loads of unique frames, definitely worth the visit for all you four eyes imo! The pair I have sold out, apparently myself and Sarah Jessica Parker got the last two pair. And they don't remake them once they're sold out! So that means SJP and I are twinning! *cue emoji praise hands + crying face emoji*

This is my update for now! I'm gonna try my best to update y'all one more time before the year is out! I need a 2014 recap post because this year has been incredible, and all I can do is thank God for everything He's doing for me! He's really showing me his grace and mercy. I am truly thankful!
Hope all is well with whomever is reading! Shoot me a message, post a comment! Let's chat!
Photography by Mom, aka